Gives hair strong hold and shine effect. Light strength to blow dry, air dry and finger finish.
- Klimafest Styling Lotion
- Fönlotion
- Klimafest ohne Alkohol
- Schaumfestiger Aerosol
- Schnellfrisur Aerosol
Gives volume and hold to the hair.
- Styling Gel Stark
- Eis Gel
- Gel Spray Aerosol
- Gleam Power Gel
- Haarwachs (Cocos, Zitrone)
- Matt Wachs
- Rain Gel (Blau, Weiss)
- Schnellbraun Gel
- Slime Gel
- Wobble Gum
Hair Tonic
Invigorates and stimulates the scalp.
- Gletscher Tonic
- Birken Haarwasser
- Eau de Cologne
- Haartonic
- Portugal Haarwasser
Spray / Lacquer
For hairstyles with volume, shine and hold.
2-Phasen Farbschutzspray
- Haarspray
- Spray Glanz
- Spray Volumen
- Bronze Spray
- Frischpflanzen Haarspray
- Gelspray Aerosol
- Glanzspray Aerosol
- Haarglanzspray Aerosol
- Haarlack non Aerosol
- Haarspray Aerosol
- Haarspray non Aerosol
- Haarverdicker Spray Aerosol
- Vegasan Systems Haarlack
- Vegasans Systems Haarspray